
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pluggin' along...

We're doing all right these days. We've hit some proverbial bumps in the proverbial road, but we are proverbially carrying on! I'm proud of my children. I'm proud of the way they move when the wind blows, so as not to break. We're on this journey together and I wouldn't be surprised if I learn more than they learn this year!

I'm thinking of integrating some lapbooking into our days. Not everyday. just sometimes, and for things that they are either really interested in or things they really need to know (like math facts) and are having a harder time grasping. I'm just thinking about it. One of the big issues I had (and still have) with public schools is that kids do a lot of worksheets. I'm trying to get away from that (even though it's totally ingrained in my brain!) and do some more hands-on things, especially with Big Boy.

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