
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sorry, sorry, sorry!

I suck. I've tried at least 20 times to get on here and blog, but I always end up finding something else to do. The truth is, home schooling isn't just something we do for a few hours in the morning. I'm constantly trying to figure out how to teach my boys things in ways that will stick. I'm aware that it doesn't sound as intense as some of your jobs, but it's been way more of a challenge than I thought it would be. I've already decided that we won't be using the writing curriculum I had intended to use because it's just enough over their heads that it's frustrating them. I've also decided to look for a new math curriculum. The one we were using was just not working for us. We may revisit both of those curricula, but not in the near future. I'm trying to make this as low-stress for all of us as possible and finding the way to do that is a whole "trial and error" process...which I hate. A lot. I hear a lot of home schooling is trial and error. I'm trying to adjust, but it's not easy.

Oh! So, last weekend was the boys' first football games. All I can say is, "HOLY COW!!!" I am amazed and surprised at how much my children actually LOOK and ACT like little footballers!! They both had great games (both teams won) and I had a great time watching them. If you go over to my facebook page, you can check out the pics other moms have posted of my kids. Tell me they aren't the cutest things EVER!

I'm not going to give you too many of the gory details of the last few days. I'll just leave you with my mug and hope that you'll come back!

Coffee Cup of the Day

This coffee mug reminds me of a couple of things. Of course it reminds me of where we bought it, but it also reminds me of my grandparents. My Papa Walt and Grandma Jackie were serious (Folgers/Yuban) coffee drinkers. And many of the mugs they had were brown or yellow, kind of thick, and perfectly round. Kind of like this one. Oh, and I SUPER LOVE the little message inside. Makes me warm and fuzzy.

2 1/2 years ago, I said goodbye to my Grandma Jack. 2 months ago (yesterday), I said goodbye to my Papa Walt. Let me tell you something. The older I get, the harder it is to say goodbye to people. Death sucks. And, to be honest, I have a lot of questions about it. My first one is, "Why do we have to go through this over and over and over?" Listen--I'm not God (which is a glorious fact all in itself). But I have to tell you that I just don't understand the concept of death. I get the theological concept. I just can't grasp the emotional part. And if you know me, you know that the emotional part plays a huge part now that I'm getting older.

Sorry. Downer. Check out the mug. Have a great day. Come back!! I promise the next post won't be so heavy.

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