
Friday, August 14, 2009

Our First Friday!

I made an executive decision. Public schools (and private schools, too) do Spirit Day on Fridays. You know the drill. Everyone dresses in their ridiculously expensive school t-shirts and sweatshirts and school colors. I'm not hatin'. I bought said expensive stuff...for 4 years. Well, we're having Spirit Day on Fridays, too. As long as we don't have to leave the house, we're wearing our pjs. For real. Yes, I'm totally feeding some idiot's stereotype of the home school family that doesn't really do anything but lounge around in pjs all day, but I don't care. Fridays will be glorious. It's 2:24 pm and I'm still in my pjs. Halellujah!

Each of my boys is using some adaptations of classic literature in their Language Arts program. Right now, Big Boy is reading Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Lil' Man is reading Frankenstein. I'm so glad we chose this curriculum to use. I love that they actually like what they're reading. And there are comprehension questions and activities every few pages that we review so we can be sure they're following what the author is saying. Love it.

Monday we'll introduce our writing, handwriting, and vocabulary curricula. Sounds like a lot, but the handwriting and vocab are only about 5 or 10 minutes worth of work each day. I have to be honest. I'm a little nervous about our writing curriculum. It's an amazing program, but I just don't know. I'm going to watch the DVD that accompanies each lesson tonight while the boys are at football practice just to get a head start. We're supposed to watch it all together, so we'll do that Monday. Stand by for the update on that one.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

The Coffee Cup of the Day!

Please don't trip over each other. You'll all get a chance to see! Today's cup is one of my Lil' Man's faves. I mean
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaves. The child is 8 and still LOVES him some Pooh Bear. I love that about him. He is one of the toughest children I've ever met. I mean like break-his-arm-at-school-and-not-even-cry tough. Like the-ear-infection-is-so-bad-the-eardrum-is-going-to-rupture (and he NEVER even told me it hurt!) tough. But do NOT mess with his Pooh blanket. He's had it since he was two and it's his homey.

We bought this cup in Disneyland about 3 or 4 years ago and he made me buy another Pooh Bear cup the next year and the next. But this is his best. And it holds a lot of coffee...always a plus.

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