
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Artsy Fartsy

I am NOT what you would call an "art" type. I like crafty stuff, but true art is not my thing. But my kids need to learn it, so now what? Well, we spent a little time in the backyard today with a roll of brown craft paper and some paints. We've been reading about Nomads and how they lived. The boys thought it was especially neat that they drew on cave walls wherever they lived; that way people would know they had been there. Kind of like a primitive "Joe wuz here" graffiti thing. So we decided to make our own cave drawings and include things that are important to us or that define our living space. Big Boy is on the upper half. That green thing is Indy, our tortoise, also known as the "Ninja of Destruction" according to Big Boy. He also included a football, a grandfather (which we DON'T have, FYI), his dad's foot (don't ask...I didn't) and a TV (shocking, I know).
Lil' Man is on the lower half and also included Indy, but decided to include the dog, Koa, as well. He painted a laptop and his paintball gun. Pacifists, beware...my boys are armed. And not with lattes.

Coffee Cup of the Day

Did I ever mention that I did a brief stint at Starbucks? (Did you think I was going to say I did a brief stint at San Quentin? I could have you know. I'm gangster like that.) Yes, I was a barista...and a really good one, if I say so myself. I got the job to make a little extra money and to hang out more with one of my bffs, who also worked there. It was a lot of fun, but being a mom just isn't conducive to early morning shifts that overlap when your kids are in school, so I quit. But not before I fed my coffee cup addiction!! This cup is one of the commemorative Pike Place items Starbucks sells every so often. I love how they designed it to look like the disposable cups, don't you? I'll have a venti, 4-pump, non-fat white mocha with no whip. PLEASE! (Always say, "Please" and totally mean it. Just take my word for it.)

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