
Friday, August 14, 2009

The Journey Begins

I told you that we've decided to home school. I also told you that this is a BIG deal for our little family. (I would imagine it's a big deal for every family, but then again, maybe not...) Well, my friends, the journey has begun. And we are sure, now more than ever, that we've made the right and best decisions for our boys. Granted, it's only day 3, but come on now! Let me enjoy this.

You might know about my little addiction to facebook. I keep in touch with people I haven't seen in 15 years and people I just saw 4 minutes ago using facebook. Last night, I had a Tastefully Simple show at my house and two of my girls from JUNIOR HIGH came out here to hang out. We hung out until 1:30 this morning! I never would have talked to them if it hadn't been for facebook. Long live facebook! OK...that was a bunny trail. Where was I?

Oh yeah...facebook. So I love facebook. I was on the other day (which has to happen only during breaks and after school now...or we'll get nothing done EVER!) and happened to update my status to:

Boy, did it go from there. I never expected anyone to pay any attention to my little post. Quite frankly, I update my status because I like to think that people are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what's happening in my incredibly exciting (read: NOT exciting)and glamorous (again, really?) life; not much unlike the idea of blogging. I'm a talker. (I know you're shocked. Pick your chin up off the floor, homey!) I like to talk for the sake of talking. It's a character flaw...and you're encouraging it by reading this!!! Good grief. Another bunny trail. Lo siento...

Ummm...facebook...posted update...oh yes...my status! So within a few minutes, "it" all broke loose. Not in a bad way, my friends. In an encouraging, loving, supportive way that I never expected. Please do not get me wrong. I have good friends. Scratch that business. I have great friends. But what transpired next was a little humbling. Take a look at this, y'all:

Very sweet, right? Yep. It gets even sweeter. I told you I have great friends, right? Keep looking. This is where it gets good:

Did you see that? I have a fan club! OK, so I won't start printing t-shirts, but that's not the point! My friends believe in me. They believe in me and they support me and they LOVE ME! You can't buy this stuff, my friends. Let me swoon for a moment and then I'll get back to the blog...

So...here it is, you guys. A blog to chart our progress, our struggles, our hopes, our fears, our accomplishments, the whole shebang. I've thought a little about it and I'm going to have a couple of regular things on the blog. First of all, I'll try to post every day. I said try. I'll include the curricula we're using, links, things the kids have done, photos, or some other cool little stuff. Please bear with me if I get a little caught up in the whole "schooling my children" thing. Thanks.

Secondly, I like when I go to someone's blog and they have some quirky little feature. Mine will include coffee cups. Yes, it's weird. But I love coffee cups and this is my blog, so there will be coffee cups! Every day I'll post a picture of the coffee cup I'm using that morning. I know. You can't wait. You don't have to. The first two posts are coming very, very shortly...like, I'm working on them right now.

Stand by!

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