
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yesterday our journal topic was "If I could have one superpower, I would want..." I was thinking invisibility or super speed or super strength. No. While Big Boy chose the ability to fly, his brother chose telekinesis. Yes, folks. Telekinesis. Why? So he could change the channel on the TV without a remote. (Clearly, he gets that from his father, Master of the Boob Tube.) Oh, and so he could shut down his brother's computer from another room. Who's kid IS THIS?

One thing I've noticed about home schooling is that it uses an awful lot of paper. I know one logical solution is to have the kids do more stuff on the computer (they each have their own laptops...please, don't judge. It's their father, again.), but I'm not too keen on having them on the computer more than they already are. I like the idea that the computer is still somewhat of a treat. I also like that it's the first thing I can take away when they're bad (I know, rotten reason to like it). Yeah, I said it. B-A-D. Sometimes my kids are bad. I know yours aren't, but mine are. Feel better about yourself? I aim to please!

Anyway, the paper thing. I need to figure out some sort of system for completed stuff and pending stuff and just stuff in general. I think binders are the answer, but I have to sit down and think of how to organize them. Any suggestions? Takisha? (Just checkin' if you're still reading!)

Coffee Cup of the Day

It may be painfully obvious why I have this cup. Yes, y'all, Mr. Armed with a Latte is also armed in general (oh, THAT was funny!). He's a cop. My dad was a cop, my Papa was a cop, my uncle was a cop, my cousin (said uncle's son) is a cop, and I am probably breeding little cops. Lord, have mercy (you have to say it like "Lawd" or it ain't funny). Oh, and my mom is the Police Officers' Association secretary, which means I get free mugs and stuff. Shhh...I probably am not supposed to tell that. Nepotism and all that. She pays for the mugs...I just don't. At any rate, I've had this mug for about 8 years. See how the flaky, gold crap is flaking right off? That's because you shouldn't put said mug in the dishwasher. Yeah, right. And there is apparently another thing you should NEVER do with this mug. Anyone? Anyone? You should avoid the microwave when your coffee gets cold and you need to reheat. Sparks. Fly. Everywhere. And your husband gets really, really irritated. Grump.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'll send you a BETTER one!! LOL