
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Cannot Endure Any More...

...appliances breaking! Grrrrrr...I mean, really, is it too much to ask for my 3-year-old refrigerator to actually WORK? No, it's not. I don't care if there's only a one year warranty on it. It should work. Period. So, I spent 2 hours on the phone with Maytag listening to very poor customer service reps who never want to let anyone speak to their supervisors. (Really? You don't have a boss? Well, connect me with the person who is going to meet with you after I name you in my Better Business Bureau complaint or start a website called thingsthatsuck.com and name you specifically. THAT'S who I want to talk to.) But if you are persistent and don't yell, scream, or swear, you can actually speak to someone with some sort of authority and someone who will truly help you. That's how I met Bob. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Bob. Bob was not an angry man. He had a job to do, which was to get me out of his hair without costing his company money (I'm aware of this), but he also had a heart. In that heart, Bob knew that I was right. Not so right that Maytag was going to pay for a new fridge (remember, I "only had a one year manufacturer's warranty...as they reminded me agan and again and again), but right enough that they payed for nearly half. Fine. Whatever. We're out some money we didn't plan on spending, but not as much as if we hadn't called Maytag in the first place. And then...

...my Maytag washer leaks. A lot. All over my laundry room (which, frankly, can be called the laundry "tomb" because I think laundry MIGHT be the death of me eventaully). Which is upstairs. The only thing (well, thingS, really) that saved us were that 1) I heard the water gushing from the front of the washer early enough that it didn't touch my carpet and 2)the drain actually did its job and the bulk of the water POURED through it to the outside. And, sisters (I know no men read this), it POURED so much that my Big Boy was terrified to empty the garbage because he was going to get DRENCHED. So, when the fridge guys came to install the new fridge, we had them look at the washer. Good news? It's like a $35 part. Bad news? They probably can't get here until Friday (today is Tuesday) to install it. The great news? I can launder at my mom and dad's. The BEST news? If we don't fix this thing, my dad has a newer washer in his garage that we can have por gratis. I LOVE me some FREE!

So the third appliance wasn't really an appliance, but you'll feel sorry for me nonetheless. Our fence blew over during our really windy day a few weeks ago. Really, it happened like the same day or right around the same time our fridge died. It was disheartening, to say the least. Our house is only 8 years old, which means the fence is also 8. Is that a long time and I'm just disillusioned? Seriously, is it unreasonable to ask for stuff to work or last? Don't answer that. I know that stuff isn't built like it used to be. I've been told this about 235,586,223,545 times during our saga with the fridge (which, by the way, lasted 3 weeks from start to finish). I guess I just don't want to believe it.

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