
Friday, November 6, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Oh, baby I am! And that is because my older son's Novice football team made the Superbowl in the TVYFL. I am not normally a football girl. I am a baseball girl to the very core of my soul. But when your baby's team makes the Superbowl, ya gotta represent! So my girlfriend, Alice, sent me the cutest Buccaneers shirt yesterday. I will have a shirt that no other mom is wearing...and you know that makes me happy. Not because I'm a fashion snob (not by any stretch) but because I hate blending in, for the most part.

So we're leaving in about 3 hours for a town that is over 2 hours away to play a team that is less than 30 minutes from here. Yeah...I'm fairly certain that men thought of that stupid set-up. It reeks of testosterone. At any rate, my parents are going and we're spending the night tonight so we don't have to get up at o'dark hundred and have tired, cranky footballers on our hands. Good idea, husband of mine. Very good idea.

1 comment:

baseballmom said...

haha-i know the feeling...some of our tournament games are played a couple of hours away against teams that are FIVE MINUTES from our house! And Coach (my husband) has to be there like two hours ahead of time because he's so anal! Crazy. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I bookmarked ya!