
Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I hate cooking. Not because I'm not good at it, but because I'm not creative or adventurous and I'm a bit of a "go-with-what-you-know" kind of cook. (Translation: boooorrrrring!) So I'm trying to go out of my comfort zone a bit and experiment a little with that little machine that my Auntie Carole loved so much: the crock pot. You may know it as a slow cooker, but you know what I'm talking about. By the way, the crockpot I linked to is NOT the crockpot I have. It's the one I want. And will get. If I have to buy it mahself.

Anyway, I found a website that has been pretty popular for a while among the cook/stay-at-home/working/mommy set for quite some time. It's Crockpot 365 and it's amaaaaaazing! I won't run through all the recipes here, but I will tell you that I made this for dinner tonight and I LOVE IT. I don't even care if my family likes it (but they totally will). I'm going to eat it all by myself if I can. The chicken is falling apart, it's so tender. Yes! Score one for the mom! The boys (well, two boys and a man-child) will be home in an hour or so from football practice, so I'll let you know after that what the consensus is. Oh, and check out the way the author of the blog laid everything out for us! Crazy cool, right?

I'm thinking about trying this for dinner tomorrow night. Or maybe this. Oh my...the possibilities are endless!

Ok, so now send me your favorite crockpot recipes! I want them all!

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