
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm a lame-o

Yep. I'm completely aware of it...I'm a lame-o. It's been an insane amount of time since I last blogged (not that anyone but me notices!). I wish I could say that it's because I'm such the busy mom and I have so much going on in my life, but I think that would do a disservice to all the truly busy moms who do so much more than I do. While it's true that I stay somewhat busy with home schooling, baseball for both boys, and trying to keep this life of ours sailing somewhat smoothly, I am an incredibly unorganized, undisciplined person when it comes to things like blogging. The idea is so great, but the execution just falls short on my part. I'm trying, I'm trying...

So baseball is in full swing (pun totally intended) around these parts. My Little Man plays for our local Babe Ruth league and my Big Boy is on a travel team this year (for the first time). We have baseball 4 nights a week (between the two), games on Saturdays and some weekdays for Little Man and at least 2 tournaments a month for Big Boy. It sounds like so much...but I love every second of it. I'm so proud of both of my kids for working so hard this year. It's Little Man's first year catching and he has already shown us that this is probably going to be a long-term commitment for us. He's thrown a couple of runners out at 2nd base (furthest distance from the plate, thank you very much!) and I can't believe how seriously he's taking his job! Just look at the kid!
And now, I'm officially the mom of a competitive baseballer. Big Boy is having a great time this year. Mr. Armed With a Latte is coaching and he plays with like 6 of his buddies that have played together for the last couple of years in All-Stars. It's been so much fun watching him get better and better every tournament. He's still catching (apparently, there's a trend going here...) and he plays left field when he's not. Let me tell you something. I play a lot of softball and there were two things I couldn't do if my life depended on it: put on the catcher's gear and catch a high fly ball. This kid does both and does them well. Take a look at him (c'mon, you know that little butt is the cutest thing ever!)
Besides baseball, we're still home schooling, although I'm pretty certain I'll only be home schooling Big Boy next year. Our reasons are various, but the bottom line is that I don't think that home schooling is the best option for us. I've taken slack from so many people already that nothing you can say can really hurt my feelings, but please keep your mean comments to yourself. I've heard enough of those to last me a really long time.

So I think that's it for today. I'm down with the good old-fashioned flu (for the first time in a long time) and the boys are with my dad (seriously, I know I'm a lucky girl), so I'm just laying around the house today. Here's to chicken soup and fluids!

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